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W.I.T. #15 - Is Market Volatility Different This Time? Thumbnail

W.I.T. #15 - Is Market Volatility Different This Time?

It sure feels different this time, but is it? We take a look at how this crazy year in the stock markets fits into history...

Three Things Worth Sharing

Queen Elizabeth trivia: 101 Years - Winston Churchill was Prime Minister of the UK when Elizabeth ascended to the throne; he was born in 1874.   At the time of the Queen's death earlier this month, Liz Truss was PM of the United Kingdom; she was born in 1975.  

 READ THIS if you are a teacher or if you know one:  Over the summer the company formerly known as AXA Equitable agreed to pay a $50 million fine for engaging in fraud, mostly from deceiving teachers into thinking that they were paying $0 in fees & expenses in their retirement plans.  Included in the article are these quotes:

"Most educators are paying a mortality and expense fee of around 1.2% annually because, unbeknownst to them, they're in a variable annuity.'


'Unlike in the 401(k) world, there's no fiduciary responsibility for school districts to provide educators with the best possible retirement plans.'

 Just for Fun - How to Estimate Distance with Your Thumb:  How far away is that tree?  That building?  Learn an easy way to estimate distance using only your thumb!