W.I.T. #21 - The Game of Risk and Decision Making
How do we feel when we made "the right decision" versus the "wrong decision", and how can we tell the difference?
Three Things Worth Sharing
I saw my first ‘stock market prediction for 2023’ article early in December. Economists from sixteen of the most well-informed and influential investment houses were asked how they think the S&P 500 will do in 2023; the answers ranged from -9% to +10.5%. My takeaway: nothing like a 20-percentage-point range of prediction to reinforce that no one – not even the best and brightest – has any idea what the stock market will do in the short term.
The Madison-based Clean Lakes Alliance runs an annual contest to guess the date when Lake Mendota will freeze over. The link has some interesting info from the Wisconsin Climatology Office about lake ice records and the history of the freezing & thawing of the 2nd largest natural inland lake in Wisconsin.
Take a few minutes in the midst of wrapping presents and making cookies to read this great article about the music of the perennial holiday classic “A Charlie Brown Christmas.”