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W.I.T. #25 - Index vs Active Investing - Can Your Manager Beat the Market? Thumbnail

W.I.T. #25 - Index vs Active Investing - Can Your Manager Beat the Market?

Wall Street sells us on its ability to provide above-average returns.  Based on historical evidence, what are the chances that your mutual fund manager can outperform the market?

Three Things Worth Sharing

Normally in this space, I share three interesting things I have come across recently that are worth your time. In this edition, there is one thing I've found to be so meaningful it is the only item I have to share. I hope you will take the time to read the articles and consider helping.    

On the front page of the sports section of the local Wisconsin State Journal last week, was this article about a young man who had his senior year of college interrupted because he had an MRSA bacterial infection that resulted in the otherwise healthy former athlete needing open-heart bypass surgery last fall.  

I know Derek’s family and knew that he had a major health scare, but this is the first time I have heard the entire story. In addition to it being a reminder to hug our loved ones because tomorrow is never guaranteed, what made an impact on me is the With-Heart Mission that Derek started less than two months after undergoing that open-heart surgery.  The organization is set up to raise money to fund a scholarship to help high school kids going into health fields pay for their college education.  

Think about that for a minute – here is a young man who nearly died, and only six weeks after open-heart surgery launched a program to use his health scare to raise awareness and fund a scholarship. I consider myself a generous person, but if I had just nearly died and then spent three weeks in the hospital, I’m not sure that my focus would be on helping others.  

Reading the newspaper article and the detailed description Derek shares about his experience near the bottom of the With-Heart homepage will be time well spent.  And I hope that after reading these pieces you will donate to this cause; any amount will help.    

If everyone who subscribes to What I’m Thinking donates, we can follow Derek’s lead and make a difference.